Our expertise
AXA IM has over 20 years’ experience managing EM fixed income assets. Our portfolio managers are supported by credit analyst and macro research teams based across the globe. We believe this provides us with the ability to delve into the key drivers of EM economies and the companies that operate within them. Through this understanding we aim to generate strong performance by careful strategic positioning, as well as tactical and relative value opportunities
Our dedicated EM fixed income team manages $15 billion1 of assets across total return and benchmarked strategies, meaning that clients have access to a range of solutions to meet their needs.
Our emerging market debt strategies
Whether it’s to take advantage of the growing trend of sustainable investing and impact bonds in EM, reducing volatility through a short duration strategy, or using a flexible approach to invest across the whole EM asset class, we have a comprehensive offering that aims to meet clients’ needs.
Our strategies invest across the full EMD spectrum, with diversified portfolios that reflect our best ideas from both corporate and sovereign issuers, seeking to generate alpha from a broad opportunity set. We typically utilise a total return approach within EMD which places a greater focus on generating positive returns across all market environments, and also allows us to construct high conviction portfolios.
All our strategies utilise our integrated Environment, Social and Governance process giving investors an additional level of scrutiny and added value.
Why invest in emerging market debt
Growth opportunities
Emerging Markets offer growth potential over developing nations, with countries such as China and India expected to be key drivers for the global economy in the future.
Income enhancement
The asset class may offer investors attractive return potential, particularly for a crossover asset class comprised of both investment grade and high yield issuers.
Many EM countries are implementing positive sustainability policies enabling potential investment in expanding sectors such as renewable energy.
Visit our Fund Centre
Visit our fund centre to get more information on our range of fixed income strategies, going from credit to short duration to high yield.
Invests across the Emerging Market debt universe, mainly through short duration bonds, while aiming to meet carbon footprint and water intensity targets.
View fundsInvests across the Emerging Market debt universe.
View fundsInvests mainly in high yield bonds within the Asian fixed income universe.
View fundsInvests mainly in Asian fixed income universe focusing on short duration bonds.
View funds
Is now a good time to look at emerging market debt?

Fixed Income Quarterly Views - April 2023
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