Investment Institute

Nearshoring in Mexico: Mirage or the real deal?

Key points

  • Moving production and services closer to their destination markets, i.e., ‘nearshoring’ can help enhance supply chain resilience and reduce costs
  • Mexico’s proximity to the US, along with its large manufacturing base and free trade agreements, make it an attractive nearshoring destination
  • Macro indicators offer no conclusive proof of nearshoring expansion in Mexico but there are subtle signs at the micro-level, such as growth in the industrial real estate sector
  • To attract nearshoring, Mexico must address its structural challenges, particularly in education and governance. Currently, certain Asian countries excel in these areas and have benefitted from the relocation of supply chains
  • Investors should pay heed to 2024 Presidential election in Mexico. A new administration could potentially implement reforms to attract greater levels of nearshoring
Nearshoring in Mexico: Mirage or the real deal?
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