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Appointment news

Laurent Clavel is appointed Global Head of Multi-Asset of AXA IM

AXA Investment Managers (AXA IM) today announces the appointment of Laurent Clavel as Global Head of Multi-Asset, effective 1 September 2022. He is currently Head of the Quant Lab.

Based in Paris and reporting to Hans Stoter, Global Head of AXA IM Core, Laurent’s mission will be to lift the investment, commercial and financial performance of the Multi-Asset platform.

He will take over from Serge Pizem, who will pursue new professional challenges outside AXA IM. Serge joined AXA IM in 2002 to oversee European equities and later took the lead of Framlington Paris. He subsequently oversaw the Total Return team before becoming Head of Multi-Asset in 2013 and Global Head of Multi-Asset in 2019.

“As Serge decides to pursue new professional challenges outside AXA, I would like to express a heartfelt thank you to him for his excellent work and the important contribution he has made to AXA IM’s success over the last 20 years. I wish Serge a well-deserved success in his new venture,” said Hans Stoter.


Laurent Clavel joined AXA IM in 2015 as International Economist and then became Head of Macroeconomic Research in 2016, then Head of Research early 2019. In October 2019, Laurent was appointed AXA IM’s Head of the Quant Lab, which was set up to foster innovation, focusing on quantitative research, portfolio engineering, product engineering and data science.

Prior to AXA IM, he worked for two years at the French Statistical Institute (INSEE) as the Head of the Forecasting Unit. Before this, Laurent spent three years at the French Embassy in Stockholm, where he covered the Nordic economies as financial adviser to the French Treasury. Laurent also worked for the French Ministry for the Budget.

Laurent graduated from Ecole Polytechnique and holds an MSc. in Economics from the INSAE Paris.


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