Investment Institute
Monthly Market Update

July Global Macro Monthly - Ahead after the first half…

Key points

  • Economic growth proved more resilient than expected, particularly in North America. While also true in Europe, recent Eurozone activity has surprised to the downside.
  • Inflation has continued to fall across developed and emerging economies, driven by energy, food and in some cases stronger domestic currencies. Core disinflation has been slower to emerge, reflecting tight labour markets in some cases, but weak productivity growth in others.
  • Resistant core inflation has kept developed central banks on the front foot, the Fed, ECB and BoE all expected to hike further. Elsewhere peaks are emerging. Some first-mover EMs are considering easier policy this year.
  • Markets have made significant recovery from 2022 losses. The second half outlook will depend on whether growth and inflation continue their benign courses. We suggest a more challenging close to the year.

Related documents

Full slide deck of our July Global Monthly Strategy
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Full global macro monthly July
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